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Funeral Consumers Alliance of the Mid South ( is a subsidiary of the national Funeral Consumers Alliance (FCA) and is a nonprofit consumer education and watchdog group that advocates for consumer rights by providing free educational materials concerning Memphis area funeral policies and costs. 


See "News and Links" page for information about FEMA financial assistance for Covid-19 deaths.

How FCAMS Can Help 


The Funeral Consumers Alliance of the Mid-South (FCAMS) is a nonprofit organization located in Memphis,Tennessee, and is affiliated with Funeral Consumers Alliance, Inc. We are dedicated to protecting a consumer's right to choose a meaningful, dignified, affordable funeral. To accomplish that goal, FCAMS does the following:​


  • Publishes a bi-yearly comparison of funeral home prices.

  • Publishes a comparison of cemetery prices on alternate years.

  • Holds an annual meeting open to the public offering programs related to funerals


The local chapter is run solely by volunteers and is dedicated to providing education and advocacy for consumer  rights issues to its members and the community at large.


Activities include regular meetings, representation at various local, senior, church and green exhibits, and publication of the bi-annual funeral home and cemetery cost comparison surveys.


Copies of pamphlets covering a wide variety of end of life subjects available at These are available by mail for those that do not have access to the internet by request




Debt after Death: WREG investigates the high costs of funerals, surveys local homes

"New research indicates some funeral homes don't do a good job of disclosing prices, especially online. A WREG investigation also found that getting precise details about costs can be difficult even when speaking to funeral directors over the phone."(Click the link above to watch WREG interviewing Furniss Harkness -  FCAMS President.)



Read more about Funeral Consumers Alliance from the "News and Links" page on this website. 

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Designed by Darlene Sawyer

Funeral Consumers Alliance of the Mid-South
P.O. Box 770388
Memphis, TN 38177
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